milk  1.01
Modular Image processing Library toolKit
ImageStruct.h File Reference

Image structure definition. More...

#include <semaphore.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "ImageStreamIOError.h"
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Data Structures

 Keyword The IMAGE_KEYWORD structure includes : More...
 structure holding two 8-byte integers More...
struct  complex_float
struct  complex_double
 Image metadata. More...
 STREAM_PROC_TRACE holds trigger and timing info. More...
struct  IMAGE
 IMAGE structure The IMAGE structure includes : More...


#define IMAGESTRUCT_VERSION   "1.01"
#define SHAREDMEMDIR   "/milk/shm"
#define _DATATYPE_UINT8   1
#define _DATATYPE_INT8   2
#define _DATATYPE_UINT16   3
#define _DATATYPE_INT16   4
#define _DATATYPE_UINT32   5
#define _DATATYPE_INT32   6
#define _DATATYPE_UINT64   7
#define _DATATYPE_INT64   8
#define _DATATYPE_HALF   13
#define _DATATYPE_FLOAT   9
#define _DATATYPE_DOUBLE   10
#define _DATATYPE_EVENT_UI8_UI8_UI16_UI8   20
#define Dtype   9
#define CDtype   11
#define CIRCULAR_BUFFER   0x0001
#define MATH_DATA   0x0002
#define IMG_RECV   0x0004
#define IMG_SENT   0x0008
#define ZAXIS_UNDEF   0x00000
#define ZAXIS_SPACIAL   0x10000
#define ZAXIS_TEMPORAL   0x20000
#define ZAXIS_WAVELENGTH   0x30000
#define ZAXIS_MAPPING   0x40000


typedef char cudaIpcMemHandle_t[64]

Detailed Description

Image structure definition.

The IMAGE structure is defined here Supports shared memory, low latency IPC through semaphores

Dynamic allocation within IMAGE: IMAGE includes a pointer to an array of IMAGE_METADATA (usually only one element, >1 element for polymorphism) IMAGE includes a pointer to an array of KEYWORDS IMAGE includes a pointer to a data array

No known bugs.

Macro Definition Documentation



complex double




#define _DATATYPE_DOUBLE   10

IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating-point format: binary64


#define _DATATYPE_FLOAT   9

IEEE 754 single-precision binary floating-point format: binary32


#define _DATATYPE_HALF   13

IEE 754 half-precision 16-bit (uses uint16_t for storage)


#define _DATATYPE_INT16   4

int16_t usually = short int


#define _DATATYPE_INT32   6

int32_t usually = int


#define _DATATYPE_INT64   8

int64_t usually = long


#define _DATATYPE_INT8   2



#define _DATATYPE_UINT16   3

uint16_t usually = unsigned short int


#define _DATATYPE_UINT32   5

uint32_t usually = unsigned int


#define _DATATYPE_UINT64   7

uint64_t usually = unsigned long


#define _DATATYPE_UINT8   1

uint8_t = char

◆ CDtype

#define CDtype   11

default data type for complex


#define CIRCULAR_BUFFER   0x0001

Circular buffer, slice z axis is encoding time -> record writetime array

◆ Dtype

#define Dtype   9

default data type for floating point



Number of STREAM_PROC_TRACE entries per image



Number of semaphores per image


#define IMG_RECV   0x0004

Image is stream received from another computer


#define IMG_SENT   0x0008

Image is stream sent to other computer



maximun size of a keyword's comment



maximun size of the keyword's name


#define MATH_DATA   0x0002

Image is mathematical vector or matrix



maximum value for each of the semaphore, mitigates warm-up time when processes catch up with data that has accumulated



maximum value for each of the semaphore, mitigates warm-up time when processes catch up with data that has accumulated


#define SHAREDMEMDIR   "/milk/shm"

default location of file mapped semaphores, can be over-ridden by env variable MILK_SHM_DIR


#define ZAXIS_MAPPING   0x40000

mapping index


#define ZAXIS_SPACIAL   0x10000

spatial coordinate


#define ZAXIS_TEMPORAL   0x20000

temporal coordinate


#define ZAXIS_UNDEF   0x00000

undefined (default)


#define ZAXIS_WAVELENGTH   0x30000

wavelength coordinate